Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Family Update 7/30/2008

Updates on the kids:

Jake is officially portty trained! This is the kid tht I thought would be so tough, showing no interest at all. About twelve days ago, Jake refused to have a diaper on. I asked him if he wanted to wear underwear instead and start using the potty. He said yes, and from then on he's been in undies - NO accidents! At school, at the movies, at home . . . I am amazed! The first time he went poop on the potty, I said " Jakey, I am so proud of you." Jake said "Is you happy, Mommy?" It was the sweetest thing! Yes, Mommy is very happy!

Johnny is getting ready to start his kindergarten class at daycare. We went to Target and bought the list of items given to us by the school. Included on the list was a pair of scissors. Well, as Johnny and I were labelling all of his new items and putting them in his backpack, Johnny and his new scissors disappeared for a while. The next time I saw Johnny he was coming to me in tears. "I tried to get my hair long, Mommy, but it's too short!" We had to go to the haircut store immediately for a buzz cut. He was so embarrassed. He asked me "Is the haircut teacher going to laugh at me?" I assured him she woudldn't and that almost all kids cut their own hair one time and then learn that it's not okay to do that. So, now he has a buzz cut, and I like it on him!

Louie has started cereal and green beans. He loves the cereal, but makes a mad face when he gets the green beans. It's so cute. He weighs almost 17 pounds now, and I haven't had to give him formula one time yet! I think we'll make the goal of six full months!